Contact Us

Be advised:  Pursuant to OAC Policy 5 -  Pleadings, documents and other written communications regarding a case at the Office of Administrative Courts must be addressed to the Clerk of the Office. Written communications should not be addressed to a specific judge or other staff member of the Office.

Office of Administrative Courts
Denver Office

1525 Sherman Street, 4th Floor
Denver, CO 80203

Main: (303) 866-2000

Email for Workers' Compensation:OAC-DVR@state.co.us
Fax OAC Denver(303) 866-5909
Workers' Comp Setting Line(303) 866-5881
General Services Answer Line (for all other cases)(303) 866-5626

Southern Regional Office

Workers' Compensation hearings in Colorado Springs and Pueblo

2864 S. Circle Drive, Suite 810
Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Email Southern Office:OAC-CSP@state.co.us
Southern Regional Phone:(719) 576-2958

Western Regional Office

Workers' Compensation hearings in Grand Junction, Glenwood Springs and Durango

222 S. 6th Street, Suite 414
Grand Junction, CO 81501

Email Western OfficeOAC-GJT@state.co.us
Western Regional Phone(970) 248-7340


Public Benefits hearings are generally held at the county department of human/social services in the county where the Appellant resides.