Appearing before the Office of Administrative Courts can seem daunting. But here are some helpful resources for you.Resources by Case Type Workers' Compensation Cases: OAC Rules of Procedure for WC cases (OACRP)OAC PoliciesDivision of WC Rules of ProcedureWorkers' Compensation ActDivision of WC Public Benefit Cases: OAC PoliciesColorado Code of Regulations (CCR)Administrative Procedures Act Section 24-4-101 through 108, C.R.S.Rules governing Colorado Human Services cases (Financial or Food Benefits)Colo. Dept. of Health Care Policy and Financing (HealthFirst Colorado)County Departments of Human/Social Services General Services Cases: OAC General Rules of Procedure OAC Policies Colorado Code of Regulations (CCR) Administrative Procedures Act Section 24-4-101 through 108, C.R.S. Colo. Dept. of Health Care Policy and Financing Colo. Dept. of Regulatory Agencies Colo. Attorney General's Office