The General Services Unit(GSU) conducts hearings in cases that do not involve a claim for Workers' Compensation. The GSU hears cases on behalf of various Colorado state, county, and administrative agencies as well as local school boards, including the Department of Regulatory Agencies, the Secretary of State, the Department of Education, the Department of Transportation, the Civil Rights Commission, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Public Health & Environment, and the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing.
Hearings in the GSU typically involve disputes concerning Medicaid and other forms of public assistance, professional licensure requirements and/or discipline, confirmed reports of child abuse and/or neglect, special education requirements, campaign disclosure and petition circular requirements, workplace discrimination, environmental compliance orders, and tenured teacher. If you have a question that is not address by the information on our webpage, please contact us at the Denver Office. You may also view our Office Policies and/or General Rules of Procedure for further information.
General Service Hearings
The OAC has adopted General Rules of Procedure that govern the conduct of certain proceedings. Other proceedings, such as tenured teacher dismissal proceedings, are governed by state statute and others by rules adopted by the various state departments. If you choose to appear pro se or are represented by a non-attorney representative please be advised that you and/or your representative are responsible for complying with all the same rules of procedure and evidence as licensed attorneys. All state agency rules and regulations can be found on the Secretary of State's website.
You may represent yourself in matters before the OAC. This is called appearing pro se. For additional information on appearing pro se please review the Guide for Non-Lawyers.
In certain types of cases, parties may also be represented by someone who is not a licensed Colorado attorney. For more information please review the Non-Attorney Representation Guide.
Once your appeal is processed your case will be set for hearing. After your hearing, you will receive a written decision that can be appealed if you disagree with the decision. You may obtain an audio recording of the hearing. The OAC does not provide written transcription of its hearings. For information about how to request an audio recording, please review the Requesting an Audio Recording Guide.