The Office of Administrative Courts has maintained an active program of alternative dispute resolution for many years. In alternative dispute resolution (often called "ADR") a trained individual from the Office of Administrative Courts assists parties in reaching an agreed resolution of a dispute. The form of ADR most commonly used at the Office of Administrative Courts is mediation.
The Office of Administrative Courts has many judges and legal assistants who are trained and experienced as mediators and who are available to assist parties in settlement discussions. Since 1995 the Office has worked with the parties in nearly 600 mediations. Over 80 percent of those cases have resulted in an agreed settlement.
Mediation is generally voluntary, although on occasion a judge will order parties to engage in ADR. Our mediators can facilitate an ADR process in any type of dispute, even if the disagreement involves a case that is not pending at the Office of Administrative Courts. All the parties need to do to arrange for a mediation is give us a request to mediate form or send us a letter or call us and let us know that the parties want to set up a mediation (please contact the Denver Office).
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