The rules of the State Departments of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) and Human Services (DHS) allow for an Appellant to be represented in their appeal by a non-attorney. This is limited to cases involving benefits that were denied, reduced or terminated.
In order to be recognized as a Non-Attorney Representative, the OAC must receive documentation showing that it is the Appellant's wish to have a Non-Attorney Representative. This can be as simple as the Appellant signing a Representation Authorization form, the Request for State Level Hearing Form, or writing a letter from the Appellant stating that they appoint so and so to be their representative. In other circumstances someone holding General Power of Attorney over the Appellant can file an appeal and act on Appellant's behalf, but ONLY if a copy of the General Power of Attorney has been submitted to the OAC. A Medical Power of Attorney is not sufficient.
If the case involves Medicaid benefits, the HCPF Authorization for Non-Attorney Representation form must be completed, signed, and filed with the OAC.
You may make arrangements to have an attorney represent you at your hearing. However it is your responsibility to retain the attorney‚ services. The OAC does not provide attorneys for Appellants appearing before us. You may want to contact your local office of Colorado Legal Services, you local Bar Association or a law school in your area to inquire about Pro Bono (low or no cost) representation.