Colorado Code of Regulations
- Department of Human Services Rules governing, Colorado Works and Trails Registry cases among others 2 CCR 500 and 9 CCR 2500
- Department of Health Care Policy and Financing ("HCPF") Rules governing Health First Colorado (Medicaid), Long-Term Care and provider cases 8 CCR 1305 and 10 CCR 2500
Q. How do I know if my case is a General Services case?
A. The General Services Unit is responsible for all cases at the OAC that do not involve a claim for Workers' Compensation benefits.
Q. How do I file an appeal?
A. If your case involves the denial, termination or reduction of a benefit such as Health First Colorado (Medicaid) or Colorado Works:
Complete the Request for State Level Hearing Form or you may write us a letter with the following information:
Your name, address and telephone number
- The county that denied the benefit
- The benefit that was denied
- Whether you will have another person represent you and if so their contact information (name, address and telephone number)
- A brief explanation of why you are appealing the decision
- Copies of any denial/termination notice you received.
Please make sure to sign the letter or form and either mail it to the Denver Office. If you wish your benefits to continue while you are appealing, make sure you state that in your appeal as well as notifying the county that you have appealed the decision.
In many cases involving denial, termination or reduction of a benefit (Medicaid for example), you can be represented by someone who is not an attorney. However, the person representing you MUST have your written authorization to do so. This written authorization can take several forms:
- General Power of Attorney appointing your representative to act on your behalf (in most cases a Medical Power of Attorney is not sufficient)
- Order of Guardianship, wherein the representative is appointed the legal guardian.
- A letter signed by the benefit recipient specifically naming the representative. This letter must be signed by the recipient.
- A fully executed Representative Authorization form.
- In a Medicaid case a fully executed Non-Attorney Representative form must also be completed.
If you are filing an appeal on behalf of your minor child, state this in your appeal letter and indicate your child's date of birth. If you are filing on behalf of a minor foster child, you will need to include a copy of the Order granting you legal guardianship.
Q. How long will it take to get a hearing?
A. The rules relating to when your hearing will be scheduled are governed by the rules pertaining to the case type. As a general rule, your hearings will usually be scheduled for 6 to 8 weeks from the receipt of your appeal.