Rules & FAQ - Workers' Compensation

This information is provided as a courtesy, it does not represent legal advice. If you are unsure about how to apply this information, you should use your own judgment or that of your attorney.

OAC Rules of Procedure for Workers' Compensation hearings apply from the time an application for hearing is filed with the Office of Administrative Courts until final disposition of the matter. These rules govern only the hearing and appeal process. The Division of Workers' Compensation (DOWC) has adopted procedural rules for all aspects of Colorado workers' compensation other than the administrative hearings. OAC and DOWC try to keep these rules updated, but the official rules for both divisions are published by the Secretary of State.

DOWC Rules and Workers' Compensation Act of Colorado

For information on Workers' Compensation hearing process, please refer to the WC FAQ PDF and for additional information on remote hearings, please refer to the Technical Guidance for Accessing Hearings via Google Meets.