DENVER - Aug. 13, 2020 The Office of Administrative Courts (OAC) remains open and continues to conduct all hearings.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency and the existing Executive Orders from the Governor, as well as local municipalities, all at the Office of Administrative Courts (Denver, Colorado Springs, and Grand Junction) shall be conducted by telephone or video conference for the near future.
The OAC will consider allowing in person hearings but only in limited circumstances in late October 2020.
Interpretation or ADA Accommodations:
In the event that a litigant or witness cannot participate in a telephone or video conference hearing, due to the need of interpretation or ADA accommodation, the party should notify the Office of Administrative Courts immediately. The Office of Administrative Courts will ensure that all litigants and witnesses who have interpretation and/or ADA accommodation needs are able to participate in the hearing. If virtual options are not available for interpretation, the OAC will hold an in-person hearing, while maintaining social distancing to protect all parties involved.
For more detailed information, please review the Chief Judge Directive.